What our Customers say...

Biohazard Testimonials

SERVPRO's team was professional in the BEST sense of the word, easy to communicate with, top quality cleaning, and yet very sensitive to what might have personal value to our family, offering options for what could be cleaned. They were very easy to work with and managed to complete the cleaning on a very tight timeframe.

Estimator and project manager Wilman gave rapid, clear, and accurate estimates of the cost, and coordinated seamlessly with our homeowners insurance. He was always easy to reach, clear to communicate with, sympathetic, and kind during a very difficult time. Project Lead Julie ensured that the project was completed on time and with very high quality. We are also grateful to Aimee, Lexi, and Dylan for their work on a challenging job.

I highly recommend this team out of Westmoreland NH

SERVPRO finished their work on the house after dark yesterday afternoon. They did a very good job and put in a lot of hard work as you can imagine. They were also professional and pleasant to deal with. We were very comfortable having them in the house and felt free to leave them along in the house while we went out for lunch.

I had a septic incident at my home that caused a great deal of mess in the basement. I tried calling several places without even getting someone to respond. I called SERVPRO once and they had someone out that day, then had a team in the next day cleaning up!!! Fantastic job, and very nice people to deal with. Everyone made a nasty situation better for me. Thank you


Excellent communication, fast, thorough and knowledgeable. Would highly recommend in the future.